Friday, 28 September 2012

Pinata and Thank You gift for Lego Party

Spaghetti tins make fun containers for gifts!  I removed the bottoms with the Tupperware can opener, which removes them magnetically and will glue the bottoms back on with my trusty hot glue gun.  I found pics of Lego Heads on the internet and tried to copy them. Pugsly the cat likes to help, he's very clever!

When it came to the pinata i looked to Pinterest and found an awesome idea, I have used foam off cuts (they use to be used as booster seats at the table but the boys wont sit on them so I cut them up to shape using a electric knife.

On this glorious day, yesterday, I decided to sit outside and paper mache the pinata, it almost dried in a couple of hours, next step will be painting it.

I will also be going to toyworld later today to see if they have any more lego stuff I can pinch ideas from!  Wish me luck!

Lego party!

Hi there,
Blogging is all new to me but something I use to do regularly until I had my 4th son... keep a journal on life with my little boys and what I have been up to.  I love to craft and my latest fad is making cakes, I have been doing wilton courses to get the skills required to keep up with the demand of such a big family. I am currently working on Noahs 8th birthday (my eldest son) and have chosen a lego theme.  Thus far I have made thank you gifts and Lego chocolates to go inside and have also started making the pinata. Craft is second nature to me and a great outlet after looking after 4 boys all day.

I started with the chocolates for the thank you gift... They are awesome!!! Thank you ebay.