Thursday, 25 April 2013

MOPS Plunge Crafts 2013

MOPS Lip Balm

                2 tsp Coconut Butter
                1 tsp Bees Wax
                1 Vitamin E Capsule
                DoTerra Essential Oil

Directions – Measure ingredients and heat Coconut Butter and Bees Wax in double boiler or microwave.  After melted mix all ingredients together and pour into containers (Lip Balm Tubes on eBay). For best results smooth top with a knife.

Bees Wax Candles

You need – Beeswax sheets and wicks.
Directions – Cut Beeswax sheet in half, length ways or diagonal, cut wick and slowly roll. For effect cut shapes with metal cookie cutters.


Glitter Easter Eggs

Need – Polystyrene eggs
                Glitter and glue

Directions – Paint egg with clue and roll in glitter.


Fragrance Oil Diffuser

Need – Bottles
                Bamboo Skewers
                Alcohol base ie Vodka or methylated spirits however less smell the better

Directions – Mix 1 part alcohol base and 5 parts water approx. and fill bottle, alcohol allows the fragrance to seep up the skewers.  Add 10 drops of essential oil / fragrance, add cork. Grab 5 skewers cut to size.  When ready to use remove cork and add skewers.


MOPS Magnetic Buttons

Need – Flat Glass Marble 25mm
                Strong Magnet 25mm x 1mm
                Circle Cutter
                Assorted papers

Directions – Cut circle with paper of choice, glue magnet and pic to flat glass.


Hand / Pocket Warmers

Need:   Polar fleece
                Needle and Thread

Directions – Squash rice into heart shaped polar fleece and sew with a round stitch.  These are the best on cold days.  Heat for 30 to 45 seconds only as they will burn.


I wish I had thought of uploading these before now and written them up so that you could follow them.  I may try do that as I complete the crafts with the MOPS group.  I have found most of these wonderful ideas on Pinterest and changed them appropriately.  I am willing to help anyone if they wish to try these crafts and add the necessary patterns and documents. ie: page print of labels for lip balms or buttons!