The next week I was helping a friend put together bags for her hens night and almost begged her to let me do them!
What you will need:-
Neoprene fabric (it's like wet suit material can be found at spotlight in aust.)
Tshirt Iron on transfer paper
And Printer!
Cut neoprene into rectangle shape 21 x 10.5 cms
I used puff paint to write on the hubby's holders however I planned something a little classier for the friends Hens!!!
To see if it worked I copied a pic onto tshirt transfere paper and then practiced on the off cuts. From this I learned that you only need to hold the iron on the transfere for a few seconds or less, too long and the fabrics on the neoprene would melt also. If you can see in the pic below one side was to hot and the other was just right. I used backing paper to iron it on which meant nothing was sticking to the iron.
Once I got it right I was ready to go! My friend had designed some amazing logo for her Hens! All I had to do was iron it onto the neoprene!!!
(I virtually used the tip of the iron and tried not to go off the transfere for fear of melting).
Ok now for the tricky/fun part, sewing!!! This had to be done in 2 parts as it would be impossible to sew straight through.
I set my machine on a zigzag stitch close together but very long so it would reach both sides and hold them together.
Not so hard really, and looks impressive, I do wonder if a better sewing machine would make that easier?!!
The finished product, don't they look amazing. It cost approx $2 per stubby holder plus tshirt iron on transfer paper.
We also made lip balms, which are so easy once you know how, magnet buttons and a bag!