Saturday, 15 November 2014


I have completed all the Wilton cake classes however do not love making cakes.  I did it because having 4 boys meant I needed to know how to make a cake or 2 or 6 per year and a week was not enough notice and I generally ended up making my own very terrible cakes so... now look what I can do!  I highly recommend the Wilton Cake Decorating courses!

Noahs Ben 10 Cake

Golf Clubs

 40th Birthday Cake

Apple Heads

It really works. For Halloween in Australia I thought I would have some fun with the kids, it turns out I love it more than the kids... 

These looked amazing! 

What you will need:-
1 cup Table salt
1 cup Lemon juice
4 liters water
Large apples (they shink to approx a quarter of the size)

Dissolve salt in some hot water and add ingredients to bucket in cold water. I left the apples to soak for half the day but the internet said soak for at least 30 mins.

To dry them put you they need to be either places in the oven and keep oven on low setting for 24 hours. I kept the oven low enough that I could still touch the inside of the oven and just turned it on periodically and left it off at other times but I did this over 3 days. Or if done in summer you can just keep them in a warm area, I put them on our kitchen table in a vase and let the sun shine on them :) 

Note: if using oven, rotate often as the bottom stays damp if it's sitting on a tray hence why I finally thought to skewer them. I was also thinking they would look good with string through them and a knot at the bottom! 

Size comparison-

This is a great hot weather craft, we still need to draw on them and add beeds for eyes :) but so much fun to be had!!!